

Hey there! I’m Ricky, and I’m thrilled to have you visit my personal webpage. As a System Engineer with over 15 years of experience, I’m all about designing, building, and maintaining complex distributed systems - and having a blast while doing it!

Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate enough to troubleshoot, maintain, and support systems across a wide range of industries, including aerospace, defense, and cloud. Whether it’s leading development efforts or advocating for excellent developer experience, I’m always striving to ensure that systems are reliable, scalable, and performant. And let’s be real - it’s pretty awesome when everything just works, right?

In addition to my passion for all things tech, I’m also a proud member of the Open Source Kubernetes Organization and a strong believer in the power of free and open source software. Because at the end of the day, sharing knowledge and resources only makes us all stronger.

So whether you’re a fellow tech enthusiast or just stopping by to say hello, thanks for being here! Let’s make some cool stuff together.